Major Hazard installations (Seveso Directive) and accident simulation

The main activities in this topic are related to the development and testing of models and tools for accident simulations (fire, explosions, gas dispersion, etc.)

Several modelling and experimental activities have been performed in collaboration with CNR-ISAC,  University of Pisa and Arianet for the simulation of Hydrogen release and dispersion, by Lagrangian particle models (Micro SPRAY).

The research group supports National and Regional Authorities for the application and revision of the Major Hazard legislation. Relevant activity has been made in particular for the legislation and application guidelines for the land  use planning around Seveso installations (DM 9/5/2001).


F. Ganci, A. Carpignano, N. Mattei, M.N. Carcassi, Hydrogen release and atmospheric dispersion: Experimental studies and comparison with parametric simulations, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2011, vol. 36, pagg. 2445-2454

A. Carpignano (2002), Il rischio tecnologico, in “Ministero Infrastrutture e Trasporti - Pianificazione del territorio e rischio tecnologico”, Ed. CELID, pp. 125-143

Carpignano A., Pignatta G., Spaziante A., Land use planning around Seveso II installations: the Italian approach, ESREL 2001 Conference, Torino 16-20 September 2001, pp. 1763-1770, ESREL 2001 Towards a safer world, Politecnico di Torino, Torino.