SEADOG is a research laboratory of PoliTo participated by DIATI, DISAT and DENERG Departments, born in 2015, and founded by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development (MiSE), aiming at making research activities in the fields of oil&gas safety and for a sustainable energy transition. SEADOG is a member of the Italian CLYPEA research network.

The SEADOG DENERG section contributes to this goal with the skills in Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS), Risk Analysis of complex technical systems and Environmental studies, including LCA.

Research activities mainly refer to methods, tools and models (and the related experimental validation)  to support these kind of analysis. The lab also provides dissemination by seminars and courses. Recently a new research line is oriented to the study of industrial accident in congested contexts and environmental dispersion phenomena by CFD simulation and its experimental validation in wind tunnel.

A special focus is given to the application of the major hazard directives, in particular the Seveso Directive (Directive 2012/18/EU) and the Offshore Directive (Directive 2013/30/EU).

Our laboratory supports Industrial Companies and Authorities for the implementation of methodologies, models, tools, Standards and Directives.


19 gennaio 2024

Corso di perfezionamento "Idrogeno per la mobilità"

Il corso prevede sei giornate dedicate a presentare e discutere le traiettorie tecnologiche di impiego dell’idrogeno nei diversi settori della mobilità (automotive, ferroviario, marittimo e aereo), saranno inoltre oggetto di trattazione le sfide per l’affermazione del paradigma dell’idrogeno quali sicurezza e sostenibilità ambientali dei prodotti e dei processi della filiera.

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